Freedom comes at a cost
You must pay attention as your children are being born into an increasingly restrictive regime,
already operating as a Republic
Now the Political Parties want you to vote, endorsing your own loss of rights.
People need to pay attention to words.
If you identify as an Australian Citizen
you are acknowledging the authority of an UNCONSTITUTIONAL PRIVATE CORPORATION that,
over time, has stealthily altered definitions in an attempt to steal a country.
Whereas the people of the Commonwealth of Australia
remain the supreme, absolute, uncontrollable authority,
AUSTRALIAN CITIZENS identify as members of a private corporation and as such have no rights.
The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901,
as Proclaimed and Gazetted
removes none of your dominion
the Copyright versions implemented by the private Corporation,
that has cloned the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, as Proclaimed and Gazetted,
is based on changed definitions, not openly available to the people,
removing your right to self determination.
Treasonous politicfal parties and their Prime Minister and their FICTIONAL Queen of Australia
are not part of
our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, as Proclaimed and Gazetted.