Never Suspecting
Presented By Paul Seils, composed by Stephen Lymbery, initially in 2020.
As Australia was put into lockdown the true significance of war came to light.
The people of Australia and the majority of the world are under attack but not from
bullets, bombs and missiles.
The mechanism delivering the damage?
The media.
Unlike previous wars where the media spread false reports on physical conflict,
the modern media spreads a false narrative regarding an invisible enemy producing symptomless damage,
predominantly to the mind,
imposing a false reality resulting in a more economically viable war for the controlling Cabal.
Misinformation and disinformation are modern weapons delivering their payload via
the media,
the people have become the collateral damage of psychological warfare,
willingly offering themselves up for sacrifice in the belief they are being protected from an invisible enemy.
A belief instilled in the people by
the media
being utilised as a weapon of mass manipulation and destruction.
Comply with the Lie, you Die.
Stephen Lymbery
Thank you, my good friend Paul Seils,
continually fighting for the people, thank you for your support and work ethic,
thank you, for you.
Your good Nature, your Morals and your Heart
Are being used by others whose goals, are deep and dark
They spin a story, tell a tale, make up a yarn and call it News
Tales of terror, the Evil of being outside, from the Media it spews
Propaganda to light you up, to swear you’ll take a stand
Whilst masquerading as your friend, they forbid you from your Land
The Men and Women we call ANZAC’s – We celebrate on this day
Locked inside our houses – A supposed Virus keeps us at bay
Lest We Forget, is the phrase of the day
but surely there is much more to say.
For those who died, so we could be free
We stay inside, from a feigned virus we flee
Talking heads on the television announce, “We are under Attack” !
An unseen enemy could take us down, because our rational thinking is in lack
The ANZAC’s fought and died for us, these people were our kin
They fought for peace and freedom, the story is wearing thin
The media then, as they do now – Wove stories of deceit & illusion.
The media tugged at the heartstrings, talking heads conjuring confusion
Good and honest people, believe the media is like-minded
Support the cause and rally the troops, the people are reminded
They would not lie they speak the truth the hun, the nip, they want you dead
And now as then the message they deliver, ignites a flame within your head
You follow their words, you heed the message void of truth – Lies instead
Our Anzacs died to keep you safe, you hide inside your houses
Locked up with your jailer, the talking heads, within you – Fear, it rouses.
For all the men and women, who for your freedom died
Did they die in vain, because the media lied ?
If this Anzac Day you cower in fear and from honoring them, you refrain
If you think that’s what ANZAC means – Then you are insane
For on ANZAC day we don’t honor war, but the loved ones who grow not old
Who went to war and sacrificed their lives, because of the lies that were told
The Media then, as they do now – Abuse the morals of good people
Because we trust – We believe the lies, but in doing so – we become but SHEEPLE
Lest we forget – You cannot forget, that which you don’t know
To protect your country you’d lay down your life, because of Lies they sow
Like the Man behind the Curtain or the King who wore no clothes
It’s only words entrancing the Innocents to be fools – Don’t be one of those
Go outside this Anzac Day and honor great men and women
The “Government” does not protect you – It serves a Master foreign
For decades ago they sold us out, and are stealing your Home from you
Stand in numbers with unyielding constitution, is all you have to do
The Rules of a foreign Corporation, are not yours to follow
To cower in fear of immoral Oppression – Is a bitter pill to swallow
This Anzac Day we make a stand, it is each other we follow
At the rising of the Sun, in unity we make a stand
To Honor those who fought for us and Died to save our Land